Sunday, July 22, 2012

New Mexico Road Trip

Our little bobble-head dog
M&Ms fueled this trip!

Jason and I read this book to each other (as much as we could-Alice made me sit in the back seat with her most of the way).  It's called The Sisters Brothers, the latest novel by Patrick Dewitt-a cool western.
 Desert pit stops rock!  It felt so good to get out and stretch our legs in the hot dry air. 
Jason striking a manly pose

Looking for sand worms probably

The tiniest road warrior and me

Love him! 

Smooching in the desert

One more picture before we pile back in and soldier on northward

Finally----nap time

Jude found his fist this trip and loves it!

A perk to sitting in the back seat crammed between two car seats-seeing this sweet smiley face!

Allsup's burritos-they always seem like a good idea at the time, but later...

Alice wrote her name on this page.  It doesn't matter to her much yet that the letters have a particular order.  Whatever!

We discovered a delicious snack somewhere around Roswell-goldfish crackers and star-shaped marshmallows.  Wow-we really didn't pack a lot of health food, did we?

I "got" to play with Ariel for about 12 hours straight.  :/

The mountains just outside of Santa Fe!  Almost there!

This next group of pictures was from our trip up into the mountains near Los Alamos.  They got a little out of order-oops.  But the scenery is splendid no matter what!


A little hike while Jason does his Stan Laurel face.  Jude was crying at first...

but Abbey showed him how lovely the trees were.  He spent the rest of the hike like this-gazing at the tree tops.  He's a true mountain man now.  He even grew a foot long beard...shaving it was tough.

The Caldera-a humongous valley made by a volcano a billion years ago.  *I bet Matt will be really impressed with my scientific description here.  (Jason's note-in this case a billion = roughly 60,000...evidence that it's probably best that Sarah doesn't plan her team's math lessons!)

Crossed eyed mountain girl

Look at that beautiful baby bump!  Abbey makes a gorgeous pregnant lady!

Alice is thrilled about having a baby girl cousin soon-me too!

Vietnamese coffee with noodles and a view of the mountains.  Life is so good!


Jas got The Peach her first Supergirl comic book here. (Jason's note-It was Issue #1 of DC's New 52 Supergirl's pretty dang good...we'll likely buy the first year run when it's released in graphic novel format.  Also, we'll be getting the hokey 80s film version on Netflix soon too...)

Kowboyz-one of my favorite places to shop in Santa Fe.  Just looked this time, though. 

Happy dance

All dressed up for Uncle Matt

Driving up to the mountains we saw this poor big dear stuck on the road.  We followed it for a while until he could find a place to jump down.

The Caldera

We spotted lots of elk!

Daddy, Mommy, Jude...and Bart Simpson

We went to an outdoor concert in Los Alamos and Alice danced like nobody was watching!

 Free Frisbees and a free Joe King Carrasco show in Los Alamos...not a bad way to spend an evening!
We visited Abbey's greenhouse-it's like heaven.

Abbey sent us home with a pallet of flowers-like this gauna, some lavender, snapdragons, a fusia...

This was our fried chicken, watermelon, and cherry coke picnic lunch before we went fishing.

The Pecos River...

a perfect fishin' spot

Torchy already knew how to fly fish-who knew? (Jason's note: Sarah should have known...part of that whole Eagle Scout thing, fishing merit badge, summer scout camps in NM and, we've had that conversation before :-/)

I told her not to get her feet wet...that lasted about 10 minutes...

Abbey and Jude were perfectly happy snuggling up on the river bank.

Oh, and of course, Ariel was there.

Mommy: "Don't get your feet wet, Peach."

Alice: "My feet are cold!"
Wait a minute-where did that girl's pants go???

I caught a fish!

Matt is a great teacher-I caught a fish my first time I ever tried fly fishing! (Jason's note: Score=Sarah: 1 delicious fish; Me, the Eagle Scout and Matt, the avid outdoorsman combined: 0.  I quote the wisdom of Mr. Miyagi when I say, "You beginner's luck!"

It was a big...


rainbow trout!

The pants Alice wasn't wearing.

I love this picture of my cute boys!
 A few instagrams...

We had a super fantastic time with Matt and Abbey in New Mexico.  They are awesome tour guides and showed us the best mountain spots.  We ate some awesome grubb-including our favorite-green chili burgers from Lotta Burger.  The very best part was to have this special time to visit them right before their first baby is born.  It was so special to see Abbey lovin' on my babies and dreaming about what her little girl will be like.  That will be one cool (and cute) little kid! 

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